
Lazy Summer Skin Care Hacks for Your Patients

May 16, 2016

Putting Pearls into Practice: Lazy Summer Skin Care Hacks for Your Patients

By Natasha Mohr

How can we encourage our patients to take care of their skin during the summer, but also give them room to be a little bit laid back during the lazy summer months?

Below, we not only give you great doctor-recommended tips to share with patients but also some effective ideas for giving them the information. Read on!

First Up: Summer Skin Care Hacks for Your Patients

Dr. Manjula Jegasothy sees many sun-seekers living in Coral Gables, FL.

“I tell patients ‘Keep your sunscreen on ice or in a cooler with your beverages on a hot day outside. Then it will feel more pleasant to the touch and you will feel like reapplying it more often!’”

“For compliance purposes, I also recommend Blue Lizard Sunscreen for the body because it changes color (gets a chalky blue sheen) when it needs to be reapplied. The children’s formula is very soothing & keeping it cold is great for kids too!”

“Lastly, I suggest patients use a light anti-aging cream for daily facial use in the summer that contains sunscreen, so you save a step getting ready in the AM.  My pick: Regenica with SPF 15.”

In Chapel Hill, NC, Dr. Brooke Jackson reminds patients that less is more for the summer. “I usually drop the moisturizer and encourage the sunscreen and hat. I then remind them that they don’t want to undo all of their efforts during the year. An occasional slip up is ok, but a landslide not so much.”

When we spoke with Dr. Jeanine Downie of Montclair, NJ, she said, “Many of my patients will set a timer for every hour and a half on their iPhone to reapply sunscreen when they’re out and about in the sun gardening, sailing or just relaxing. That way they are putting on sunscreen as often as I am requesting them to put it on.”

Do patients go for that? Some patients complain, of course, but “I tell them that 4.2 million people got skin cancer in 2015 and I do not want them to be part of that statistic for 2016. They look at me as if I’m mean but they usually do listen. I get a couple of patients with sunburns every summer, but for the most part my patients take heed. Don’t forget New Jersey is the heart of the tanning bed industry and we have the New Jersey shore to contend with at all times.”

As developer and formulator of the patented Epionce skin care line, Dr. Carl Thornfeldt in Fruitland, ID, recommends different adjustments based on skin type. “One adjustment that I recommend is to incorporate a hydrating serum based on climate. Many patients also may find that a toner works well during the summer. A hydrating toner, such as Epionce Balancing Toner, can help the skin feel hydrated without the need for a heavier cream. The Epionce Purifying Toner provides additional antimicrobial and oil-control benefits.”

Dr. David Bushore of Austin, TX says, “If you have young children, you know as soon as you mention “let’s go to the pool (or beach),” the countdown to crazy starts ticking. You have a limited amount of time to get everyone sun protected before the complaining starts. Swim shirts (also called rash guards) help make sun protection a lot easier as there is less body you have to cover with sunscreen. Luckily, children’s rash guards are easy to find everywhere. But, finding ones for adults can be more difficult. Most women prefer the ones made by Athleta. For men, I just recommend looking up the favorites on Amazon. Swim shirts (rash guards) help make summer sun protection a lot less of a hassle and can get you out the door to enjoy your vacation quicker!”

Other summer skin hacks include:

  1. Protect your pout – Lips burn, too! Keep them covered with a lip-safe sunscreen!
  2. Mists can relieve heat and help reduce redness and inflammation.
  3. Cold showers help keep skin unoccluded during warm weather.
  4. Mineral sunscreen – Apply a mineral sunscreen with a brush to clean skin or over makeup. It can easily be applied throughout the day without a noticeable sheen.
  5. Prevent acne all over – Use pads and sprays after being outside, especially if you’ve been physically active.
  6. Don’t scratch bug bites or other skin irritations. The inflammation can cause hyperpigmentation that you will have to deal with for weeks, maybe even months.
  7. Antioxidants are a must – Stay ahead of the aging game!
  8. Weekly at-home glycolic masks will help battle breakouts.
  9. Keep your pillow cases clean!
  10. Keep makeup wipes on the nightstand, just in case you forget your nighttime routine. Wipes are not a perfect solution, but they can be a great stand-in in an emergency.
  11. Get enough sleep.

Next Up: Spreading the Word:

These are great tips and you probably have some fantastic ones of your own, but not every patient is in going to be in your office as the summer months approach.  So here 5 simple suggestions for spreading the word to your patients:

  • Post “Lazy Summer Skin Care Recommendations” in your patient rooms.
  • Create a video of yourself or your staff giving summer skin care tips. Then email it, put it on a loop in your office, post it on your social media pages or website, or include it in your newsletter.
  • Temporarily swap out your appointment reminder cards. Instead, print off small handouts for patients to take home with your summer tips and leave space for noting their next office visit or spa appointment.
  • Have each staff member wear one tip on their uniform. This can be in the form of a button, or a sticker – even t-shirts they might wear for the summer!
  • Host a coloring/drawing contest for younger patients that may be visiting your office illustrating one of the sun care tips. Display them in the office and offer a small prize for participating.

Let us know what you think and share your own great summer skin care hacks below!

Here’s to a fun, skin-safe summer!

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